Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Vocabulary : Convert- Pervert- Divert - Subvert - Revert

Vert means turn in Latin

If you convert it to French it means green
Some people try to pervert good ideas into bad ones
In order to divert people from the truth. However,
It’s impossible to subvert an honest idea , it always reverts to the truth

We notice that Vert is used in all the words as mentioned above, it is similar but it is a quite different.
We’ll try to draw a part of a word and we’ll gradually build new different meanings.
As we highlight that vert  is the root i.e.  the part though which words are made.
  1. Convert  : we try to analyze this word

Con = the prefix con refers to with/ together and if we build up con+vert we’ll find to turn together or to turn with.
Ex:  I convert the Algerian dinars to Dirham.
In addition to that, convert comes usually with the political and religious concepts . That is you change or turn your ideas.
Ex: He converts from the communism to liberalism
Merriam speaks fluently Arabic, but when she will be in the class she needs to convert the  language.
You can also convert someone to your religion ( that is to fully  change his doctrine).
Ex: Adams converted to Islam  

  1. Pervert     
Per= complete /thorough   (  so the fact that pervert means to turn something completely or thoroughly.)  

Ex: he speaks in a good faith, unfortunately Seif  perverts his opinion .
  1. Divert
  • Di = has a couple of meanings  two and away  
  • divert= to turn away
Ex: when she passed yesterday she diverted my intention
( it means that she turns your attention away something)
  • I quarreled with Seif , because he wanted to divert me from my principles.
  1. Subvert
  • Sub= under , beneath or below  
  • Subvert  is to change something from the beneath
  • Ex: to subvert people (is to turn people who are in the law class to become leaders )

  • They try to subvert the classes. ( it means that they try to switch positions  of people from the beneath).
  1. Revert
  • Re: means back /again
  • Revert means that you turn something back.
  • Ex: the soccer team wants to revert its golden age .
They celebrate their fiftieth marriage anniversary , it sounds good because they want to revert their loved story.  

by Teacher Meriem ben Zid 


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